Shamanic Healing Temple, Chiang Mai


Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that dates back over a hundred thousand years. Shamans are spiritual healers who see with the heart and travel between the seen and unseen realms for healing, divination and ceremony.

As I was always interested in metaphysical topics, soul development and the hidden – a gateway to the spirit world opened easily. Throughout my healing practice and training, I was initiated and guided by a large family of loving Helping Spirits who continue to lend their support for each and every ceremony, healing endeavor, journey circle and shamanic training that I provide.

I have trained extensively in the tradition of Core Shamanism for more than 8 years with the FSS (Foundation for Shamanic Studies) in Shamanic Journeying, Shamanic Extractions, Soul Retrieval, Psychopomp, Compassionate Depossession, Advanced Divination, connection to Nature Spirits, Shamanism and Creativity and graduated from the acclaimed 3-year program of 'Advanced Shamanic Initiations & Shamanic Healing' in 2019.

Additional courses, I have taken are 'Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy' with Nicki Scully and 'The Gifts of Ma’at' with Indigo Rønlov in 2019.

During 2024, I studied and practiced Shamanic Healing techniques in Nepal with traditional Nepalese Shamans of the Sherpa and Kirati lineages.

Furthermore, I am a certified Usui Reiki Master since 2016 and completed several courses at The Monroe Institute in 2021. As well, I am initiated into Akashic Record Reading and have trained in Numerology and Remote Viewing.

Sharing my knowledge and skills in the self-revelatory path of Shamanism is my true passion and so, I teach Shamanic Journeying, provide advanced training on specific Shamanic Practice topics, guide Journey Circles, give talks about Shamanic Healing and facilitate Mentorship - Programs for those who want to expand and advance their Shamanic Practice in a dedicated, individualized and tailored way.

Through offering my service, focus and intention as a Shamanic Healer and a Shamanic Teacher, I honor my true calling.


Shamanic Healing

A Shamanic Healing ceremony addresses imbalances in your energy system, in your soul and in your physical body. It belongs to the category of ‘Energy Medicine’ and aspires to restore your natural state of well-being, wholeness and clarity. It cleanses and re-calibrates your energy field and helps to reclaim your power.

As we go through life, we pick up energetic residue from the environment around us, from trauma, toxic relationships, loss and we carry emotional baggage that often remains not tended to. This can have long-term effects on our health and happiness. Shamanic Healing is an age-old way of treating these issues before they burrow deeper and manifest in physical form.

Each healing session develops it’s unique and magical tapestry around your personal needs and is informed by what is present in your life and the challenges you may face. A combination of healing techniques is applied. This may include extractions, spirit release, cord-cutting, reunion with lost parts of your soul and empowerment from animal spirits.

A Shamanic Healing session lasts about 2 hours and to prepare for your personal time of healing, I connect to the spirit world long before you arrive to uncover your individual medicine. The effects of the healing are often felt right away and continue to develop and integrate over several months.

Clients report that they feel lighter, more joyful, whole and experience a more positive outlook on life. They feel empowered, more connected to their souls and more their authentic selves. Creativity is sparked to initiate new projects. They perceive a new level of consciousness and are filled with peace. The world becomes a better place.

A Shamanic Healing ceremony is for you if you haven’t felt entirely yourself lately, if you want to leave the past behind, if you are not living to your fullest potential or lacking power and clarity.

Healing sessions are available with prior appointments in-person in Chiang Mai and remote to anywhere in the world.

Drum Healing

A treatment with the Healing Drum often sets the stage for the session as it helps to clear the energetic body around the client and assists in fully arriving in the healing space and the ability to relax into receiving from the spirits. Drum healing is also a good way to address localized physical pain.

Shamanic Extractions

Misplaced energies and blockages that may lead to physical illness and dis-ease are cleared and removed from your energetic and physical body. These might be disturbing energetic residues that were picked up from the environment, through interactions with other people, from relationships, through self-sabotaging thought-loops or through ‘darts’ and energetic disturbances that we have been targeted with by others, e.g. through their anger, resentment and jealousy towards us.

What does not belong will be extracted and the void will be filled with desirable and delectable energy. This procedure will leave you feeling overall cleansed, lighter and ready for a fresh start.

Soul Parts Retrieval

To mend your soul, missing pieces of your soul energy will be recovered that may have been lost during traumatic experiences in your past. This happened to all of us to some extend - often during childhood, through emotional trauma, accidents or physical and emotional violence and abuse. Parts of the soul left because the situation was just too painful. In psychological terms this is called ‘disassociation’. The Shamanic Healer will journey to find these lost soul-parts, transport them back and re-unite the client with missing parts of their souls.

What is lost will be returned. This is a beautiful procedure which will leave you feeling more joyful and whole and more connected to your authentic self and ready to live with renewed purpose.

Power Animal Connection

We all enter this life with invisible supporters. Some of those are the power or totem animals. When we decide to meet and work with our power animals, the connection to these spirit energies is strengthened and can bring us greater vitality. Meeting your power animals will provide you with additional energy, a sense of optimism and the perception of spiritual support. Very often, clients subconsciously ‘know’ about their power animals. They may have already objects at home that represent them or have an interest in a particular animal species.

Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting is a component of the Advanced Healing session as a second segment in your healing journey.

Cords are formed with people we meet to allow for the exchange of energy and emotions. This is desirable for the relationships that are still in place and give us joy. If cords from past connections - e.g. from family members, toxic and abusive encounters, incompatible friends - remain, we may unknowingly give away our energy. At the same time, we may have been corded against our wishes by others who decided they wanted a deeper bond.

These cords can be perceived as lines, tubes or branches. As they are removed, the energetic residue of their origin is discharged. It leaves the client feeling refreshed, vitalized and in control of their personal energy field.

Spirit Release & Compassionate Depossession

Diagnostics and treatment for entity influence and possession are part of the Advanced Healing session where deeper seated issues are addressed as a second segment in your healing journey.

It is common that discarnate spirits look for new ‘homes’ in human bodies. They may have been acquired during drug- and alcohol abuse, depression, anesthesia or generally physically and spiritually weak states. These entities may influence thoughts, feelings, preferences and behavior. During the healing they are released in a compassionate way to leave the client free from the effects of unwanted ‘guests’.

Treatment Options

I Foundational Shamanic Healing Session

This is the first treatment in a series of two or three or can be a stand-alone. This one treatment by itself already has a very powerful & long-lasting healing effect.

Included are a Ceremonial Opening, working with the Healing Drum, Extraction of energetic blockages, Soul Portion Retrieval, Power Animal Connection. Duration: 2 - 2.5 hours.

II Advanced Shamanic Healing Session

This is recommended as a second step after all elements and energetic shifts of the Foundational Healing session had time to integrate. During this session, deeper seated issues are addressed such as entity possession and relational entanglements.

Included are a Ceremonial Opening, working with the Healing Drum, Spirit Release & Compassionate Depossession, Cord Cutting, Soul Portion Retrieval, Power Transmission or Power Animal Connection. Duration: 2 - 2.5 hours.

III Customized Shamanic Healing Session

After the effects and energetic shifts of the Foundational and Advanced Healing sessions had sufficient time to integrate, it is now time to plant fresh seeds for a spiritual practice or life-style changes and obtain personalized advice from the spirit world. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your general direction in life or receive advice for challenges that may be present.

Included are a Ceremonial Opening, working with the Healing Drum, unraveling of persistent disturbances, Divination, receiving messages and life-style suggestions, being gifted personalized healing words & affirmations and consulting Oracle cards. Duration: 2 - 2.5 hours.

Other Services

Ancestral Connections,

Land & Spaces Healing,

Ceremonies to honor the Elements, Community Ceremonies for Shamanic Healing and tailored Ceremonies.


Shamanic Journey Training

The Shamanic Journey is a common ritual performed by Shamanic Healers all over the world, regardless of their culture. It is not required to belong to an indigenous tribe or to be a Shaman in order to learn how to journey.

This is a 2-days foundation training for developing a personal shamanic practice in the tradition of Core-Shamanism and is suitable for beginners and as a refresher. In addition, this is the pre-requisite for advanced training courses and mentorship programs.

All techniques learned can be easily replicated at home in your own time and can complement an existing spiritual routine from other traditions or become your main focus of spiritual evolution. There is no limit to what you can do with your shamanic practice once you learned how to connect to your Helping Spirits.

Anyone who feels an interest, can learn this and apply it to gain access to the well of wisdom that dwells within each of us and retrieve information and guidance from Helping Spirits. As you learn the technique of journeying to a repetitive drumbeat into your own inner worlds, a new door will open for you that goes beyond the limit of your usual perception. People who journey frequently often report feeling spiritually more connected, energized, happy and supported from their interactions with the spirit world.

This training is right for you if are curious about anything related to Shamanism, if you seek to enhance your spiritual practice with a new access channel, if you have an affinity to energy work and if you want to experience something truly magical.

Some of the great things you will learn about are: Shamanic cosmology and how to navigate the worlds Shamans commonly travel to, how to prepare for shamanic journeys, how to meet and interact with your personal spirit animal guides and spiritual teachers in the Lower and Upper Worlds, how to decipher and interpret your journey experiences, how to retrieve information to your queries and life questions, how to receive an etheric healing and how to journey easily at home on your own.

Let your soul fly and join the circle to learn how to perform Shamanic Journeys to meet and engage with your Helping Spirits and become an explorer of the unseen realms.

13th & 14th of July, 9.30 am - 5.30 pm & 7th & 8th September, 9.30 am - 5.30 pm

Shamanic Journey Circle

This is a regular group class for people who want to hone their journey skills, further their spiritual evolution and sit in circle with like-minded people. This class is right for you if you already know how to journey. You may have learned this from a teacher, online or by yourself. You know the techniques on how to navigate to the Upper and Lower Worlds to a repetitive drum beat and you are able to connect to at least one Helping Spirit. If it has been a while since you last journeyed, this is not a problem at all - only, in this class the techniques about how to journey won’t be taught.

We meet for 90 minutes to practice Shamanic Journeying according to the tradition of Core-Shamanism. Emphasis is placed onto deepening your relationship with your individual Helping Spirits in the Upper and Lower Worlds. We will apply basic divination methods and retrieve information about things you would like to know, deeper life questions, how to improve your personal and the greater environment, how to elevate ourselves and the world around us.

In each circle, we begin with an opening ritual to consciously arrive in the space and re-connect to our soul essence. The journey theme is then introduced, we journey for about 15 - 20 Minutes to live drumming in an altered state of consciousness, take notes and share a few highlights. To end our time together, we apply a grounding method and closing ritual.

Some benefits of regular Journey practice are: Feeling more connected to your heart and soul essence, calming for your nervous system, brain & mind; deepening of the relationship with your Helping Spirits and feeling more supported.

19th July, 5 - 6.30 pm & 16th August, 5 - 6.30 pm

13th September, 5 - 6.30 pm & 11th October, 5 - 6.30 pm

Mentorship Programs

Mentoring time gives you the golden opportunity to evolve in your personal shamanic practice in any area you want to deepen or gain more knowledge and skills in.

Our time together is tailored to your needs and you will receive guidance, instructions, home work either in-person or via video conference and have access to your mentor through email, text- and voice messages between appointments.

The mentoring program is best suited for advanced students who already know how to journey, can navigate easily to the Lower and Upper Worlds and have an established connection to Helping Spirits in both worlds.

Other Services

Private training programs are available if you prefer to learn at your own pace and time, in your own space or with a group of friends or colleagues around Chiang Mai and other locations in Thailand and in the region. This could be combined with tailor-made Ceremonies and Mentorship-programs. Please, contact me to discuss individual, customized options.


My name is Reena and my Healing Space is in Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand.

Healing Sessions & Mentorship Programs are available with prior appointments in-person in Chiang Mai and remote anywhere in the world.

Shamanic Journey Training and Ceremonies are available with prior appointments in-person in Chiang Mai and other locations upon request.

Please, use the message form to contact me and to receive detailed information.

My normal response time is within 24 hours.